The Rise of Body Weight Exercise

Push up technique

Getting in shape is mostly associated with going to a gym and exercising with weights but the actual concept is a lot more simple. Getting in shape does not require a gym, nor does it require complicated equipment. It actually needs none!


Whether it’s building muscle, getting stronger, shedding fat or just making sure you stay active, bodyweight exercises are the most simple and economical way to achieve it. All you need is a flat surface with a bit of space where a few routine movements can be performed. This could even be your living room or bedroom.

1. Push ups

  • Start with getting down on all fours, Legs full straight (Not bent at the knees) and feet together.
  • Hold a high plank, palms placed at shoulder length, directly below your shoulders.
  • Keeping your back straight bend from your elbows with a 45-degree angle from the ribs.
  • Lower your body until your chest and hips nearly touch the ground.
  • Extend arms and return to the high plank while exhaling.

2. Squat 

  • Place feet slightly apart (A bit more than shoulder length)
  • Keeping back flat and chest out, begin to move in a sitting down movement whilst keeping your shoulders back.
  • When thighs are parallel to the ground reverse the motion and return to standing position.
  • Make sure to maintain good posture! 

3. Lunge

  • Keep feet together, arms resting on either side.
  • Step forward with ome foot and lower your body until both knees are at 90-degree angles. The knee of the foot that was kept static should be almost touching the ground. The knee of the foot that was kept forward should not be bent in a position that goes beyond the toes.
  • Push on the leg that was moved forward and return to initial position,.
  • ALternate and repeat.

4. Burpee

  • Keep feet shoulder width apart with ars resting on either side of your body.
  • Perform a squat and towards the end of the downward movement, place hands, shoulder width apart on the floor in front of you.
  • Kick your legs back and trascision into a high plank position
  • Perform a push up and dowards the end of the upward position, jump your legs forward and return to squat position
  • Return to standing position.
  • Jump up  and land softly and trascision into a squat and repeat.

5. Glute Bridge

  • Start by lying on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent and arms resting on the ground on either side of your body.
  • While using your hands for stability, press through your heels and raise your hips upwards toward the roof.
  • Pause when hips, knees and shoulders are in a straight line and squeeze your glutes.
  • Slowly lower your baack to the initial position and repeat.

6. Side Lunge

  • Start by standing with your feet together, body erect back and back straight.
  • Keeping one foot planted on the ground, take a wide step to the side with the other.
  • As the foot hits the ground, bend your hips back to a sitting position until you knee is at a 90-degree angle.
  • Pause and then press on the same leg you stepped out with and bring your legs back together.
  • Alternate and repeat.

7. Squat Jump

  • Start with your legs shoulder with apart, maybe a little more than that.
  • Lower tour hips to the ground in a squat movement.
  • From the bottom of the squat, press through your heels and jump while extending your arms around your head.
  • Land with control and repeat.

8. Standing Oblique crunches 

  • Star in standing position with legs hip width apart and hands behind youe head with elbows stretched wide.
  • Lift one knnww towards the elbow on the same side while bending youe torso.
  • Alternate and repeat

9. High Knees

  • Start by standing with legs hip width apart.
  • Run in one place while bringing your knees towards your chest(as high as possible) while pumping your arms.
  • Keep chest lifted!

10. Lateral Leg Raises

  • Lie down on your side with legs stretched out.
  • Raise your top leg 45-degrees while keeping it extended and lower in slowly.
  • Alternate between toe pointed, flexed or toe pointed towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat on other side.

11. Trunk Rotations

  • Start in a high plank position.
  • Bring one knee underneath your body and towards your elbow while twistiwng your toso.
  • Alternate and repeat movement.

12. Bicycle crunches

  • Lie on the floor and bend both legs so that knees are at 90-Degrees, hands behind your head .
  • Keep chest up and back straight and core engaged.
  • Twist while bringing your righ elbow to your left knee while straightening you left leg.
  • Alternate and repeat.

13. Mountain Climbers 

  • Start in a high plank position with palms on the ground right below your shoulders.
  • With back straight and core engaged, bring your right knee towards the left elbow (as close as you can).
  • While returning to the initial position, simultaneously start on the alternate leg.
  • Alternate and continue.

14. Jumping Jack

  • Start standing with feet together and hands on either side of your body.
  • Jump while simultaneously spreading your legs apart and sweeping your hands above your head.
  • As you land quickly bring your feet together while bringing your hands back to the initial position.
  • Continue doing this movement for a few repetitions.

15. Tuck Jump

  • Keep your legs slightly apart (Hip distance)
  • With your knees slightly bent explosively jump up while tucking your knees inwards towards your chest while in the air,
  • Land in initial position and rebound quickly.
  • Make sure you land lightly.

16. Leg Raises

  • Start lying on the ground and place your hands behind your back/glutes
  • Lift your legs together while keeping them extended until they are perpendicular to the ground.
  • Slowly lower your legs to initial position while keeping your back straight and on the floor.
  • Repeat.\

17. Forearm Plank

  • Rest your elbows on the floor directly underneath your shoulders and keep your feet extended and hip apart.
  • Keep your back flat and neck and head relaxed and neutral.
  • Raise hips toward ceiling while squeezing glutes.

18. Bird dog

  • Start by going on all fours and keeping the neck and spine straight.
  • Palms on the floor, shoulder width apart and knees at 90-degree angles.
  • Extend one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously and stretch fully,
  • Bring them back to the initial position and alternate.

Whilst lockdowns during the height of the pandemic forced many of us to exercise at home, without equipment and alone; it developed a great range of bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises are essential to maintain our bone density, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and maintain joint mobility as we age.