Morning Habits Of Successful People

How to wake up positive

The big names in many industries have their little rituals which they do not fail to complete. Morning habits are a force that is life-changing. We have gathered some of the simplest, most powerful morning rituals used by internationally well known individuals.

6 habits to add to your morning routine

Morning routines have been a topic that has been in discussion since the dawn of the concept of productivity and effective living. Different individuals have spoken on diverse arrangements of morning routines that make your day and life productive, making it easier for us to make the best out of the little time we have these days.

Make a plan for a productive day

For most of us, It starts with hitting the snooze button multiple times until the very last minute at which we drag ourselves to the shower and get dressed to face the day that has or has not been planned. It could be different in each person’s case, some of you may have a very organized morning routine some of you may not, but here is an article that goes over the basics.

Planning ahead and planning for productivity is a crucial step in making sure that your day turns out to be productive. Bestselling author of the “Monk who sold his Ferrari” Robin Sharma has spoken about how he goes over what he has planned for his day as soon as he wakes up. Benjamin Franklin had planned what he would do in each hour of the day. This was the first thing he had done in the morning. Leo Babauta, author and creator of “Zen Habits” has spoken about how starting your day by planning what you need to get done is a very effective way of increasing overall productivity (Cooper, 2018).

Make your bed

In a survey conducted by, a whopping 59% of people don’t make their beds in the morning (Mudallal, 2015). But making your bed has proven to be a gateway to other good habits and also a crucial step on anyone’s journey to success.

“To change the world, start by making your bed,” said Admiral William H.McRaven of the navy Seals. In his bestseller, “The Power of Habit”, author Charles Duhigg calls it a “Keystone habit”. He also mentions how it is directly correlated with increased levels of productivity.

Breathe and Meditate

Meditation has had its backlash from the entrepreneurial and modern business community. But the topic of meditation directly being correlated with increased levels of personal growth and effectiveness has been backed up with quite compelling arguments. 

Oprah Winfrey has proven how meditation is independent of religious beliefs and is more of a spiritual practice. She believes that meditation as a form of “getting closer to God”(Paine, 2016). Her redefining of the emphasis of Psalm 46:10, “Be STILL. [pause, wait, meditate, consider] …. and know that I am God.” 

LinkedIn CEO, Jeff Wiener blocks out time on his calendar each day to practice meditation. The former media mogul, Arianna Huffington says, “… Once I’m awake, I take a minute to breathe deeply, be grateful and set my intention for the day. Then I do 20 to 30 minutes of meditation…”

Meditating and doing breathing exercises in the morning puts one’s mind in a more aware and relaxed state making the attitude toward the rest of the day positive and relaxed. 

Get up and about – MOVE

Working out and getting your blood pumping stimulates both the body and mind. Studies conducted have found that by exercising in the morning, you could change the outlook you have towards the entire day towards one that is positive and energetic. 

Exercising in the morning is a part of the morning routines of many successful people. Richard Branson, Tim Cook, and Disney’s Bob Iger all wake up well before 6:00 a.m. to exercise (Spring, 2018). Bill Gates has taken this to another step and integrated watching DVDs while exercising to make the session more productive. 


This part of the morning routine can be used in different ways. (Achor, S. 2008) Research suggests people who journal are 25% happier. It could be a simple task of recording your thoughts or more detailed documentation of the events of the previous day. But what matters is that it is an act of reflection on the thoughts that exist within us and sometimes go unnoticed or unexpressed. Successful people from many fields have talked about the benefits of journaling and many have made it a part of their morning routine.

Eat a healthy meal

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. It sets the pace for the rest of the day and depending on what you eat determines how you would feel for the rest of the day. Oprah Winfrey includes berries in her breakfast to add energy-rich food to her diet (Murphey Jr, 2018). Richard Branson has told the Insider that he eats an old fashioned high fibre meal with fruits and muesli. *Outbound links are good*

What you have for breakfast could differ according to your lifestyle. A person with a very active lifestyle would need more energy-rich foods. A bodybuilder, a meal with high protein. But whichever lifestyle you live, it is crucial to include a good and healthy breakfast in your morning routine.